
飯田典子|LOVE and Kisses for Valentine’s DAY!! [exhibition]



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LOVE and Kisses…(参考作品)

gallery fuでは1月22日(火)から1月27日(日)まで、飯田典子の個展「LOVE and Kisses for Valentine’s DAY!!」を開催いたします。
また会期中には、「色」と「線」で「思い」あるいは「想い」を伝えるワークショップを開催いたします。スーダンのハイビスカス・ミントティーとデーツをつまみながら、水彩画の世界を楽しんでみませんか? ご家族やお友達とご一緒にぜひご参加ください。

問合せ:gallery fu 070-6429-8597 (担当:鈴木 火~日 12:00~18:00 月休)

抽象の世界で、見る人がその絵のなかに入って遊んで、お話を創っていただくのも楽しいのですが、今回はここ数年、何故か周りに素敵なあたたかカップルが現われたり、色からもホラホラここに!と誘われることも多く、今回の展覧会のテーマ ”LOVE and Kisses for Valentine’s Day” のような作品群になってきたこともあり、旧知のgallery fuの鈴木さんにお願いして、個展と自分の生活に必要不可欠になっている「色」と「線」で「思い」「想い」を伝えるワークショップをさせていただくことになりました。

When an artist shows his/her work in public, the work could go everywhere else with the feelings and thoughts of someone sees it.
When I paint, I begin with colors, in the colors I swim, am excited, get warm, feel fly, stand firmly or sometimes get crying and then make the balance of colors and totality with harmony. Lines come to play with the colors sometimes.
I could put the brush when I feel breathe deeply and nicely in front of the work.
In the world of abstract, seers can play in the work and create his/her own story and I really enjoy it. Although this time I have several works for the theme of this exhibit “LOVE and Kisses for Valentine’s Day” because in these years I met several nice warm loving couples and the colors in my work have tempted me to put nice beautiful couples in it, then I asked Ms. SUZUKI(Owner/Curator of gallery fu)to make my exhibit in her place and make some workshop with colors and lines to show thoughts and image of the participants.
I am attracted with colors and work with them and will do.
I wish someone visits this exhibit and feel mystery and power of colors and keep enjoying arts and beauty in life.

飯田典子/IIDA noriko

色彩と絵画の世界に導いてくださったのは、GoetheやSteinerの色彩論を追及されたBeppe ASSENZAの下で絵画・芸術・色彩論を学ばれ、米国サクラメントのRudolf Steiner Collegeで教鞭を執られたTheodore MAHLE先生(2017年没)、Donald HALL先生(絵画制作と共にイタリア・ボルツァーノのご自身のアート・スクールで指導を行なっておられます)。

Born in KYOTO Prefecture
When we see Japan as the center, from East Honduras Central America to West Sudan Africa where I live now, from North Alaska USA to South Patagonia Argentina and Chile, where I had chances to visit and live in and passed time with the people there.
Then I experienced the beauty of colors there. On the experience, here I paint hearing what colors talk and feeling its power.
People sometimes say “You have visited to and lived in many places (out of Japan).” “You take airplane like local bus and go somewhere else in the world.” and this is true and this started since my participating JICA(Japan International Cooperation Agency) Volunteers work and then I have been working, studying abroad much time. Living in many different countries I feel similarity between people’s life and colors like various colors make beauty in harmony! and various people, culture, language, thoughts and living way and so on… if there were harmony in them it would be beautiful!!

The important teachers who had taught me and is even now teaching are Theodore MAHLE (2017 died) who taught in Rudolf Steiner College Sacramento USA and Donald HALL who lives in Italy and directs his own Arts School in Borzano as well as he paints.
Both teachers studied with Beppe Assenza in Dornach, Switzerland who worked out of colors studying Theory of Colors by Goethe and by Rudolf Steiner.


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